Vietnam Caritas releases pastoral letter on Laudato Sí Week and Marathon Prayers


The Commission Charity and Social Action – Caritas under the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Vietnam sent on May 3 a letter to all Vietnamese Catholics about the two events of “Marathon Prayer” and “Laudato Si Week” taking place in May.  

For “Marathon Prayer”, the Vietnam Caritas has asked priests and all parishioners to respond to Pope Francis’s initiative by holding a marathon of prayer for an end of the Covid-19 pandemic which has afflicted the world for more than a year now.

The Laudato Si Week is the weeklong event of the Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year, taking place May 16-24 and celebrating the progress the global Catholic Church has made in its ecological conversion journey during the past six years, including those contributed by the Vietnam Caritas. The Laudato Si’ Week 2021, themed “for we know that things can change”, also offers a clear road map for the decade ahead.  


 Released pastoral letter of Vietnam Caritas

As reported, the Catholic commission of charity and social action will launch a campaign later this year for taking care of the nature and human beings, promoting a culture of care for our common home and our fellow human beings. This campaign will practically contribute to joint efforts of the global Catholic Church and the whole world for caring our planet and our brothers and sisters living on this common home.