On September 16th, 2014, at Hai Phong Bishop House. Vietnam Caritas held 2nd communication training course.
Vietnam Caritas organized this training course with the aim to foster the communication skills for Caritas’ office staffs of 10 Catholic dioceses under the northern Province, as well as to promote social and charitable activities in the community. Attending the ceremony were Bishop Vũ Văn Thiên of Hai Phong diocese, priest Vũ Văn Kiện, Director of Hai Phong Caritas, priest Nguyễn Văn Sáng, Deputy Director of Hai Phong Caritas, nun Nguyễn Mai Thanh Huyền, Head of the Communication Board of Vietnam Caritas.
The training course took place in three days, from September 16th to September 18th with 23 participants from 10 dioceses of Hanoi, Lang Son, Hai Phong, Bac Ninh, Thanh Hoa, Hung Hoa, Bui Chu, Phat Diem, Vinh, Da Nang. /.