Unique wedding ceremony of Cham people in South region


Undergone many changes of life, Cham people has still preserved unique characteristics, gradually developing and integrating deeply with other ethnic groups. Following Muslim traditions, Cham people consider marriage as a standard for each person, so wedding ceremony is often held in special ways, creating a fine culture of Cham people in South region

According to wedding customs of Cham people, marriage will be decided by parents. Man’s parents will ask a village elder to make a proposal to the chosen bride’s family. If the proposal is accepted, the bridegroom’s family will organize a formal ceremony preceding to marriage.

Next is the engagement ceremony, the bridegroom’s family will carry a tray of fruits including wedding dress, sarong, scarf, turban, sewing to the bride’s family. Approaching the wedding day, the village elder and bridegroom’s family will bring bed to groom’s family, pray and decorate the wedding room.


After conducting all rites, the bride will give her groom some small gifts for daily use.

At the wedding, the house and wedding room are colorful decorated. Especially, traditional costumes of bride and groom are a highlight at the wedding ceremony of Cham people.

Bride will wear a traditional long silk dress. Her hair and ears will be
decorated with flowers and brooches such as gold rings, bracelets. The groom will wear a traditional white costume, a sarong and a fringed turban.

The wedding ceremony of Cham people lasts for three days. Relatives of two families will gather on the first day. The offering ceremony and wedding feast hold on the second day. Unlike the wedding ceremony of other ethnic groups, Cham people holds “groom ceremony” on the third day.

PH (baodansinh.vn)