Tien Giang province: Phu Cuong-Thach Loc Caodai parish installs Divine Worshipping Symbol
On March 2, a solemn ceremony was held a for formally installing the worshipping symbol of Divine Eye in the oratory of Phu Cuong-Thach Loc Caodai parish in Tien Giang province’s Cai Lay district.
Attending the event included President of the Tay Ninh Caodai Church’s Executive Committee Cardinal Thượng Tám Thanh, about 600 Caodai followers inside and outside the province, and local authorities’ representatives.
It’s reported that Phu Cuong-Thach Loc parish was established in 2009. The parish started construction of its oratory in 2011, and basically completed worshipping facilities after nearly five years of construction.
The construction was financed by fundraisings from benefactors and followers in the parish.
Some images at the event: