The Social Charity Committee of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha will present over 14,000 gift boxes on the occasion of moon festival
Supervisor Nun Thích nữ Huệ Từ, Deputy Director of Social Charity Committee of the Central Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) planned to present 14,450 moon festival’s gifts to poor children and pupils belonging to 50 provinces and cities nationwide on occasion of moon festival.
On this occasion, Supervisor Nun Thích nữ Huệ Từ also planned to collaborate with the ophthalmologist doctors in Trung Vuong emergency hospital, Ho Chi Minh City to sponsor 500 transplant cataract artificial surgeries for poor patients in Thai Nguyen province.
The artificial lens for the eye surgery program in Thai Nguyen province would be sponsored by Ho Chi Minh City Sponsoring Association for Poor Patients. The total program for 500 transplant surgeries with artificial lens cost 350 million.
Source: H.D(http://giacngo.vn/)