Tay Ninh province: provincial VBS sub-committee for nun affairs reviews its annual performance
The Division of Nun Affairs under Tay Ninh provincial Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) Executive Committee reviewed its performance 2014 and approved working plans for 2015 at a meeting held on Jan 23 in Ngoc Ninh monastery in Bien Hoa city.
Attending the meeting were Most Venerable Thích Huệ Tâm, Vice Chairman of the provincial VBS Executive Committee, Nun Thích Nữ Châu Liên and Nun Thích Nữ Huệ Giác, Deputy Heads of Nun Affairs Division, and Buddhist dignitaries, followers in the locality.
Local authorities’ representatives at the event included Head of the Religious Division under the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs Nguyễn Thị Thơ.
According to meeting report, in 2014, the Division of Nun Affairs achieved good results on Buddhist affairs, including successful organizations of summer retreat courses for nuns, Vesak festival and Buddhist parents day festival… During the year, local Buddhist nuns raised over 10 billion VND for social charities.
Speaking at this event, Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Thơ praised practical contributions of Buddhist nuns in the locality and expressed her hope that the Division of Nuns Affairs would continue to promote Buddhist values and participate in movements launched by local authorities for community development in localities./.
Head of Religious Division under provincial Religious Affairs Committee Nguyễn Thị Thơ speaks at the meeting
HMost Venerable Thích Huệ Tâm, Vice Chairman of the provincial VBS Executive Committee speaks at the meeting
Hoàng Kha - BTG