Tay Ninh province: Ninh Son Caodai parish inaugurates new Mother Buddha worshipping temple
Ninh Son Caodai parish solemnly held a ceremony to inaugurate its new Mother Buddha worshipping temple on November 16th, 2014.
Attending the ceremony were Cardinal Thượng Tám Thanh, Head of the Caodai Tay Ninh Church; representatives from the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs and local authorities; and about 1,000 followers inside and outside Tay Ninh province.
As the original Mother Buddha worshipping temple built in 1986 by temporary materials has seriously degraded after 26 years of existence, the local authorities allowed the Management Board of Ninh Son parish to build a new temple. After more than two years of construction, the spacious new temple has been completed.
Some imagines at the ceremony