Ho Chi Minh city: Recognition of Ben Duoc Protestant Church and appointment of its new superintendent
A ceremony was held on Jan 20 in An Phu commune, Cu Chi district to celebrate the recognition of Ben Duoc Protestant Church and appoint pastor Võ Minh Sơn as its new superintendent.
Attending the ceremony included Pastor Phan Vĩnh Cự, President of the General Confederation of Evangelical Churches of Vietnam (Southern) and members of Ho Chi Minh city Protestant Representative Committee.
Pastor Trương Văn Ngành, member of the General Confederation of Evangelical Churches of Vietnam (Southern) initiated rituals for appointing pastor Võ Minh Sơn as the new superintendent of Ben Duoc Protestant Church.
Representative from local authorities congratulates to the Church on new event
Representatives from the local authorities attended the event to celebrate with the Church on its recognition and appointment of its new superintendent.
Source: hoithanhtinlanhvietnam.org