Ho Chi Minh city Archdiocese: Judicial vicars learn Apostolic letter Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus
On November 23-24, judicial vicars and priests from the Marriage Court under Ho Chi Minh city Archdiocese attended a training course on the Apostolic letter Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus held at the Pastoral centre in Ho Chi Minh city.
The training course was co-chaired by Archbishop Bùi Văn Đọc of Ho Chi Minh city Archdiocese cum President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Vietnam (CBCV) and Bishop Nguyễn Văn Trâm of Ba Ria diocese, and attended by 32 priests from nine dioceses.
During the training course, the participants made discussion on the following contents:
- Review the translation of Apostolic Letter for submission to the CBCV.
- Contents and scheme of the Vademecum for people who consults for separated or divorced people under the diocese or throughout the country
- New coordination between first-level Court and second-level Court under Ho Chi Minh archdiocese.
- Detailed suggestions for "brief procedure before bishop" to conduct a case.
- Old and new specific cases to be applied "judicial procedures under the document"
Source: hdgmvietnam.org