Since 20th of 7th Month of Dragon lunar year, implementing a resolution of the Executive Council of the Central Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) and the program of Buddhist activities 2014 of VBS Committee for Propagation and Buddhists Guidance in Hai Phong City, the VBS Executive Board in City’s districts have organized local doctrinal contests for Buddhist laymen and laywomen living in pagodas in these districts.
The organization of doctrinal contests aimed to encourage learning of Buddhist teachings and enhance understanding of dharma by Buddhists in districts of Hai Phong City so they can practice properly, contributing to propagate Buddhism in current society.
These doctrinal contests attracted many Buddhist participants in districts. Up to now, there have been about 200 Buddhists in Vinh Bao district, over 700 Buddhists in Tien Lang district, about 200 Buddhists in Thuy Nguyen district, almost 300 Buddhists in Hai An district, over 100 Buddhists in Kien An district and almost 200 Buddhists in Ngo Quyen district taking part in contests held in respective districts.
The doctrinal contest will be held in other pagodas of districts of Hai Phong City until 5th of 8th month of this Dragon year (2014) and 30 most excellent participants will be chosen in each district for the final doctrinal contest in the City to be held on 10th of 8th month of this Dragon year.
The contest consists of a written answer to about 25 theorist questions to be completed in 30 minutes and an oral and practical presentation by groups of Buddhists in four different contents.
The doctrinal contest was supervised by Venerable Thích Thanh Giác, Vice Chairman of the Propagation Committee of the Central VBS cum Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of Hai Phong VBS, and instructed by Venerable Thích Chân Thường and Thích Giới Định – Members of the Executive Committee of Hai Phong VBS.
So far, doctrinal contests have taken place in an excited and cheerful atmosphere and with encouraging results./.
(Source: phattuvietnam.net)