Da Nang city: Thanh Khe district Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Executive Board holds meeting for dissemination of administrative procedures to dignitaries
On October 26th 2014, at Ky Vien pagoda (No. 72 Lê Đình Lý, Vinh Trung ward, Thanh Khe district, Da Nang city), the Thanh Khe district Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) Executive Board held a meeting for dissemination of administrative procedures to about 150 religious dignitaries, deacons in Thanh Khe district.
At the meeting, delegates learnt about Decree No. 92/2012/ND-CP dated 11/8/2012 of the Government detailing and providing measures for implementation of the Ordinance on Belief and Religion, which was presented by Mr. Ngô Khôi, Chairman of the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs.
Delegates also heard a report on the contents of the Charter of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) as revived for the fifth time and approved at the 7th VBS Congress, regulations of local VBS Executive Bodies, regulations regarding the use of seal, documentation and administrative forms as dilevered by Most Venerable Thích Thiện Toàn - Vice Chairman of the district Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Executive Board.
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