Catholics in Phu Tho province’s Son Cuong commune work together for developing rural areas


Over the past years, Catholics in Son Cương commune, Thanh Ba district of the northern province of Phu Tho have proactively joined patriotic movements launched by local authorities, especially the movement promoting new-style rural countryside, contributing to socio-economic development in the locality.

In Son Cuong commune, nearly 90% of the population follows Catholicism. Before implementing the movement on building new-style countryside, Son Cuong commune has only met six out of 19 criteria of the model on new-style rural areas. Responding this campaign, Catholics in the commune have worked together for creating new style rural areas, contributing to promote rural development, eliminate hunger, and reduce poverty.

Village 3 has 118 households with 480 people, 100% of whom are Catholics. In order to meet criteria of the model on new-style countryside by the end of 2020, the Village’s Party Committee has issued plans for a priority implementation of unmet criteria and mobilized local people to voluntarily donate lands, working days and materials in installing light system in rural roads.

In 2020, with contributions of local Catholics, the village has concretized 98% of internal roads. The roads in the village have been expanded from 3m to 6.5m, an installed lighting system has been managed by local people. Typically, Mr. Nguyễn Minh Tiến’s family has donated 100 m2 of land for expanding rural roads and made contributions for building the power system, as well as mobilized other households to voluntarily donate their lands, contributing to build spaciously roads in the locality.

Sub-parishes in the commune have encouraged their parishioners to proactively respond with practical activities, including voluntarily donation of lands, worth seven billion VND in total, and thousands of working days for expanding rural roads, building cultural houses, fences, etc.

In addition, they also paid due attention to keep environment clean and mobilized 100% of members to register for waste collection, placing of trashes along rural roads, and not littering in residential areas. Residential areas have encouraged local Catholics to proactively join cultural exchanges, sport activities, creating unity and cohesion between local authorities, non-religious and the Catholic community in the commune.

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