Buddhists in Quang Nam join environmental protection effort


Over the past years, Buddhist worshipping places in Quang Nam province Nui Thanh district have collaborated with the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) in the district in raising local people’s awareness in environmental protection and reducing plastic waste.    

Buddhists from Long Quang pagoda located in the district’s Nui Thanh town have adopted geen and friendly lifestyles toward the environment,

According to Member of Long Quang pagoda’s management board Phan Gia Ngoạt, the pagoda currently has 100 members. For encouraging these members and locals in Nui Thanh town to join hand in environmental protection, the VFF’s Standing Committee in Nui Thanh has launched a program promoting unity for environmental protection.

Since then, members of the pagoda have actively participated in practical activities for cleaning village roads and collecting garbage in public places and around the pagoda.  

Launching a program for properly discharging waste and worshipping offerings.  

With a shared responsibility and green and friendly lifesytles toward a sustainable environment, the pagoda has also classified waste where discharging only inorganic waste, and organix waste, sush as flowers and leaves, used to make organic fertilizer. The pagoda also encouraged local people to do them same as well as reduce the use of plastic bags, Phan Gia Ngoạt added.   

Religious locals clean a local public place

According to Chairman of the VFF Committee in Nui Thanh district Nguyễn Quốc Vũ, there were 10 out of 17 communes and towns in the district signed with religious worshipping places for collaboration in environmental protection.

After the campaign on religions unity group for environmental protection, up to now, religious organizations in the districts have organized programs such as removing of garbage gathering points for protecting environmental landscape and do not littering offerings to rural roads, which typical activities lead by management board of Long Quang pagoda in Nui Thanh town and Dien Khanh pagoda in Tam Hai commune.

In addition, the VFF in communes and religious worshipping places also organized activities for enhancing awareness in protecting environment amongst religious people, especially the program for cleaning up the environment on beaches and areas around the wharfs by Buddhists from Dien Khanh pagoda.

Erected signboard calling for not littering worshipping offerings in roads and eradicating littering spots