Buddhists in Dong Nai proactively respond to program on voluntary blood, organ and tissue donation


A large number of Buddhist followers from Long Van Pagoda (Tam Phuoc ward) and Phuoc Son Zen Monastery (Phuoc Tan ward) in Dong Nai province’s Bien Hoa city participated on August 5-6 separate voluntary blood donation and organ and tissue donation registration programs organized by the provincial Red Cross.

Voluntary blood and organ donation program at Long Van Pagoda

The event held at Long Van pagoda collected 187 blood units with 23 people registered to donate tissues and organs.


Voluntary blood and organ donation program at Phuoc Zen Monastery

The program taking place at Phuoc Son Zen Monastery drew the participation of over 200 Buddhist followers and collected 92 blood units with 30 people registered to donate tissues and organs.


On June 25, the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) and the Organ and Tissue Donation Association signed a coordination program to promote tissue and organ donation, and launched tissue and organ donation registration in VBS’s chapters in the country. After the signing ceremony, the VBS has called on all Buddhist monks, nuns and lay followers across the country to actively respond to the program.

In Dong Nai province, the provincial Red Cross has organized many activities with the participation of local Buddhist followers for collecting blood donation and registering the organ and tissue donation.