Learning good behaviour in the temple


Every weekend, Bat Phuc Temple in Hanh Dan village, Tan Lap Commune, Dan Phuong province (Ha Noi) is full of children’ voice They go to temple to learn good behavior


Every weekend, Bat Phuc Temple in Hanh Dan village, Tan Lap Commune, Dan Phuong province (Ha Noi) is full of children’ voice They go to temple to learn good behavior
The class began one month ago, 300 children registered at class. This class not only teaches cultural knowledge but also morality and lifestyle to children..
 Learning good behavior
 We visited  Bat Phuc temple on weekend morning and found that in the main Hall there were many  children of all ages They paid attention to listen to a monk.  He was teaching Buddhist dogmas. Children answered his questions politely. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Phuc said that “this classroom has a great number of students. No any student wants to give up the classroom. On Sundays children do not go to school they come to this temple to learn Buddhist dogmas”
After listening monk ‘s lesson and many useful games, students in class know  how to sit in meditation, speak politely to adults. Mr. Thanh Binh goes with three children said  “Today is the first time for me to attend this class with children. I find that this class is useful for  active children.  After learning here children will  be in harmony with their friends, they know how to treat others well and  distinguish between wrong and right things . I have three grandchildren learning here. All of them tell me that they like this classroom very much.”.
 After learning Buddhist doctrine, the children have lunch in the temple. They will learn how to have a meal in a right way, love food, wash their dishes, and clean their tables and house.
“We open this class in order that the children have a good place for learning and playing at weekend. We want to help them to avoid social evils. In  good environment, they will learn each other and they become more perfect,” Monk Thich Dieu Ban said
 To help children with wholeheartedly
 Because there are a lot of pupils, many places of  the temple become class rooms for children. Voluntary students must arrange their schedule to have time to teach children. In the temple there are three classes. Children are given extra- class help with English and literature. Children from the first grade to the third grade learn how to write well
 “ It is for difficult for us to teach here. Teaching in these classes differs from our imagination. Because children are very active, their levels are not the same. We teach them basic English” Nguyen Thi Huong Quynh, former student of University of Languages and International Studies said . English class not only attracts children but also students who graduated from high school. Although the class is crowded, students keep order. Student often review their lesson before the class hour, they do not  make noise  
Showing us the children’s educational timetable, Quynh told that the most difficulty of these  classes  was few voluntary students. The division of classes  was not clear so that we could not add more subjects. . Moreover, the temple had not  a lecture hall while many students would like to register to attend classes

Apart from the classes at school, Tan Lap children have a new place to learn and improve their knowledge. Every weekend, the sound of reading lesson resounds  in poor village, it warms the hearts of young teachers.  This model should developed  to help the children have more knowledge in life.
Thanh Hoa – Duc Hiep (daidoanket.vn)