The 11th General Assembly of the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP) was held in the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar on 21–23 June, marking the 50th anniversary of the ABCP.
The conference, titled “Buddhist Heritage and Values in the 21st Century” drew high-ranking Buddhist dignitaries from Mongolia, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Russia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and other Asian countries.
The event was hosted by Mongolia’s foremost monastery, Gandan Tegchenling, and the institutional and cultural center of Mongolian Buddhism.
Distinguished guests at the event included President Khaltmaagiin Battulga of Mongolia, and President Inga Rhonda King of the United Nations ECOSOC.
President Khaltmaagiin Battulga delivers opening speech
During the opening ceremony President Khaltmaagiin Battulga remarked: “Mongolia has always supported the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace, and it has been seen as valuable contribution of Mongolians not only to ensuring peace throughout the world but to maintaining its values, which are still valid to this day. Guided by the teachings of the compassionate Buddha, during the difficult times of Cold War, the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace made its voice heard not only in Asia but throughout the whole world. Moreover, it has presented new opportunities in cultural, educational, and economic long-term cooperation where human rights, freedom, and unity are upheld. Therefore, the conference was registered as an observer to the UN’s Economic and Social Council in 1988 in recognition of its contribution to the well-being of humanity through its actions for peace.” (Office of the President of Mongolia).
President Inga Rhonda King of the United Nations ECOSOC speaks at the opening ceremony
The delegation of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha attending the ABCP’s 11th General Assembly was led by Senior Venerable Thích Đức Thiện, General Secretary cum Vice President of the VBS’s central executive council, and joint by Prof. Lê Mạnh Thát, Member of the VBS central executive council, Senior Venerable Thích Nhật Từ, Vice Chairman of the VBS committee on international Buddhist affairs, and 20 Buddhist followers.
Senior Venerable Thích Đức Thiện, General Secretary cum Vice President of the VBS’s central executive council delivers his presentation at group discussion
The Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace is a voluntary mass movement of Asian Buddhists reflecting their sincere aspirations to realize the ideals of peace, justice, and human dignity. Its aim is to bring together efforts of Buddhists in support of consolidating universal peace, harmony and cooperation among people of Asia.
The organization was historically founded in July 1969, and later became one of the few religious organizations registered in the United Nations. The ABCP has since convened 11 general assemblies in Mongolia, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, and Laos.
An Nam