Cambodian Ministry for Cults and Religion delegation visits Vietnam Buddhist Sangha


The delegation of the Ministry for Cults and Religion of Cambodia led by Minister Chay Borin visited and met with leaders of the Central Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) in Quan Su pagoda on July 31.

At the visiting reception

The Cambodian delegation was welcomed by Most Venerable Thích Thanh Nhiễu, Standing Vice President of the VBS’s Executive Council and Senior Venerable Thích Đức Thiện, Vice President cum General Secretary of the executive council.

At the visiting reception, Minister Chay Borin sent his condolences to Vietnamese people upon the passing of General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng. The Minister also thanked the VBS for sending a delegation of dignitaries to attend the cremation ceremony of Great Patriarch Tep Vong in Phnom Penh in early June.

Minister Chay Borin stated that there were many similarities and exchange activities of Buddhism in the two countries over the last years. He expressed believe that the sustainable friendship between people and Buddhism of Vietnam and Cambodia would continue being promoted, contributing to the traditional, close friendship and solidarity between the two countries.  

Minister Chay Borin and the Cambodian delegation also offered incense to the Buddha at the main hall of Quan Su Pagoda.

On behalf of the VBS, Most Venerable Thích Thanh Nhiễu thanked the visiting delegation of the Cambodia Ministry for Cults and Religion and wished the delegation a successful working trip in Vietnam.

Posing for group photo at Quan Su pagoda

On the same day, Minister Chay Borin and the Cambodian delegation visited Ho Chi Minh Museum in Hanoi.

Minister Chay Borin listens to introduction of materials on display about life and revolutionary career of President Hồ Chí Minh

Posing for group photo at Hồ Chí Minh Museum