The Tay Ninh Caodai Church attends the World Alliance of Religions for Peace Summit in Seoul, South Korea
At the invitation of the “Heavenly Culture, World Peace and Restoration of Light” Assocation and “Institute for Cultural Diplomacy” to attend the World Conference of Religious Coalition for Peace, a delegation of Caodai Tay Ninh Church led by Cardinal Thượng Tám Thanh, Head of the Executive Council participated the conference.
The “Heavenly Culture, World Peace and Restoration of Light” Assocation is a non-profit international organization with more than 170 branches around the world with activities to support initiatives for creating harmony in art, culture, religion and public policies; the “Institute for Cultural Diplomacy” is an international non-governmental organizations estabilished in 1999 and its main purpose is to encourage the promotion of peace and stability in the world, by way of helping promote the intercultural exchange./.