On September 26th, 2014, an international seminar on religion entitled “religions and religious life in Vietnam – Sharing Vietnamese and European experiences in assuring freedom of belief and religion” organized by the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam was successfully concluded.
During one day and half, there have been more than a dozen of presentations delivered by dignitaries (representing Buddhism, Hoa Hao Buddhism, Baha'i religion, Caodaism, Protestantism, Catholicism); researchers on religion at home and abroad, representatives from the state administration on religion in some localities.
These presentations analyzed and pointed out the achievements and remaing problems in Vietnam for ensuring freedom of belief and religion, roles of religion on society, religious life of Vietnam in the innovation period, diversity of religious life in Northwest region, Central Highlands and the Southwest region.
At the seminar, speakers from EU also shared experiences in ensuring religious diversity and harmony, role of religious organizations in EU member states, approaches by the EU and member states to freedom of belief and religion in the context of globalization.
Speaking at the seminar closing ceremony, Dr. Bùi Thanh Hà, Vice-Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs highly appreciated comments of delegates and said that in the current context of globalizations and international integration, this seminar was a valuable forum for scientists, experts and researchers from Vietnam and EU to exchange on experience of protection and promotion of freedom of belief and religion.
Some images at the seminar:
Dr. Bùi Thanh Hà, Vice – Chairman of the GCRA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Thanh Xuân, Senior Lecturer of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics co- chair the seminar
Delegates attend the seminar
Prof. Dr. Macro Ventura speaks at the seminar
Mr. Nguyễn Huy Diễm, Vice-Chairman of the central Executive Committee of Hoa Hoa Buddhism deliverers his presentations at the seminar
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Robbers speaks at the seminar
Việt Bách