The 132nd Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly adopted a resolution on countering the evolving threats of terrorism, with two thirds of approval vote during its plenary session on March 31.
The resolution, proposed by Australia and Belgium on March 29, calls for combating terrorism in any forms in line with the United Nations Charter and the fundamental principles of international law.
It strongly condemns fundraising activities in support of terrorism, urges countries to adopt a common strategy on population management and propose measures to share information.
The document also asks for the use of legislative channels to enforce anti-terrorism resolutions adopted by the IPU Assembly and the United Nations Security Council.
The same day, the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade discussed and ratified the Resolution “Shaping new mechanisms on water resources management: to promote parliamentary action in water and sanitation issues”.
The Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) convened its second session where they discussed the progress of the 2012 IPU Resolution on “The basic rights to access health care; the role of parliaments in addressing key challenges securing the health of women and children”.
The 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-132) opened in Hanoi on March 28.
It brought together over 160 participating international delegations, including those from IPU member parliaments, associate members, and foreign organizations, to discussions on a wide range of issues, including cyber warfare, anti-terrorism, and water governance.