Parlamentnilisty.cz, an e-newspaper of the Czech Republic, has recently run an article saying Vietnam pursues consistent guidelines and policies of respecting and ensuring the right to freedom of religions and beliefs, as well as non-religious freedom of ethnic groups.
Different religions and beliefs have coexisted in Vietnam’s history, said the article, titled “Philosophy and religion in Vietnam”.
It added that Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Catholicism have contributed to the development of Vietnamese culture. The Marxism-Leninism then made its presence in the country in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, together with the patriotism, to drive the country on the path towards independence, democracy and socialism.
The article cited Ho Chi Minh, a national hero, a thinker and the world’s man of culture, as a typical representative of the country’s modern history.
Pavel Herman, the article’s author, noted that Vietnam is home to about 24 million believers, making up about 27% of its population. Some 95% of Vietnamese lead their lives with beliefs and religions.
He dubbed the Southeast Asian nation, with around 8,000 festivals each year, as the world’s museum of religions that helps enrich the country’s culture.
Such religions and beliefs, despite their differences in origins and practice mottos, have existed harmoniously, reflecting the rich spiritual life owned by Vietnamese as well as the great national unity bloc they built up, the article said.
Source: vov.vn