On Sunday December 6, Cardinal Pierre Nguyễn Văn Nhơn solemnly took possession of the title of San Tommaso Apostolo.
The cardinal was welcomed by the priest don Stefano Bianchini, who presented him the crucifix for the kissing and veneration.
Celebrating with the cardinal also included the Archbishop of Hô Chi Minh city Paul Bùi Văn Đọc, who is also President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Vietnam, and 50 Vietnamese priests.
The rite was directed by Monsignor John Richard Cihak, pontifical cerimoniere, who read the papal bull.
Cardinal Pierre Nguyên Văn Nhon was born on 1 April 1938 in Ðà Lat (Viêt Nam). In 2007 he was elected President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Viêt Nam and appointed as the Archdiocese of Hà Nôi in 2010.
Source: radiovaticana.va