Something extraordinary is happening in Rome. Not only do we have the first pope from Latin America, taking the name of Francis, but for the first time in history a woman, Professor Mary Melone of the Franciscan Sisters Angeline, has been appointed rector of the Pontifical University Antonianum. Then there is Fr Dinh Anh Nhue Nguyen, the first Vietnamese to be appointed dean/president of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of St. Bonaventure – Seraphicum.
At 46, the new dean/president is a professor of biblical theology at the Seraphicum. He has also taught at Catholic Theological College – University of Divinity in Melbourne, Australia, at the Pontifical Gregorian University (from 2008), and from the current year at the Pontifical Urbaniana University. Among several awards received, in 2014 he was honoured with the “Martini International Award” in the “Bible and Culture” section for his research entitled “The Bible and Asian Cultures: Reading the Word of God in Its Cultural Background and in the Vietnamese Context.”
Source: www.heraldmalaysia.com/