On September 28th, 2014, Mr. Phạm Dũng, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) had a reception with Bishop Dominican Nguyễn Chu Trinh and members of Xuan Loc diocese’s delegation.
At the reception, Mr. Phạm Dũng extended best wishes to Bishop and members of the delegation, appreciated efforts and contributions by Catholics followers in general and nearly 1 million followers of Xuan Loc diocese in particular to the cause of building and defending of the country. He also highly valued the great success of the 10th Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC), and the promotion of fine traditions the national culture in religious activities. Mr. Dũng informed the guests about the international seminar organized by the GCRA and the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam for sharing experiences in assuring freedom of belief and religion on September 25th and 26th in Hanoi. He believed that the Bishop will continue to guide Xuan Loc diocese’s followers to actively participate in patriotic emulation movements, contributing to building and defense of the country.
On behalf of the delegation, Bishop Dominican Nguyễn Chu Trinh thanked the GCRA for its warm welcome. He expressed his hope the GCRA will continue to create favorable conditions for Xuan Loc diocese in religious activities.
Some images at the reception:
Overview of the reception
The delegation takes a picture
Kiều Nga