The Government Committee for Religious Affairs holds training conference on records and archives 2014
On September 30th, the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) in collaboration with State Records Management and Archives Department of National Archives Center I held a training conference on records and archives 2014 for officials of GCRA.
Attending the conference were Mr. Hà Văn Huệ, Director of the National Archives Center I and officials of GCRA.
At the training conference, Mr. Hà Văn Huệ introduced contents regarding to records and archives works including the Record Law No. 01/2011/QH13 date on November 11th, 2011, Decrees and Circulars on records and archives work, and record management, filing procedures...
Mr. Hà Văn Huệ, Director of the State Records Management and Archives Department of National Archives Center I talks about records and archives work
Overview of the conference