Publication on religious diplomacy in Vietnam appraised


The Government Committee for Religious Affairs held on December 7 a meeting for appraising a publication on the religious diplomacy in Vietnam.  

The publication on the religious diplomacy in Vietnam is part of a project supporting information and propaganda on ethnicity and religion approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 219/QD-TTg dated 21/02/2019.

The appraising meeting was chaired by Prof. Đỗ Quang Hưng, Senior Lecturer at Social Sciences and Humanities University under the National University in Hanoi, and joint by members of the appraising council and the publication’s compilation group.

At the event, on behalf of the publication’s compilation group, Deputy Director of the GCRA’s International Relation Department Ngô Thị Xuân Lan briefly presented contents of several changes and additions to the publication draft recommended at the initial assessment meeting held earlier.

Deputy Director of the GCRA’s International Relation Department Ngô Thị Xuân Lan presents changes to draft publication

During the meeting, participants expressed consensus with the contents presented by the publication’s compilation group, as well as suggested the compilation group to clarify the references, especially the translations of Laws and International Codes, mentioned in the publication draft. 

The appraising council has approved for the publication and asked the compilation group to complete the publication draft according to the council’s conclusion before public publication in accordance with publishing procedures.

Prof. Đỗ Quang Hưng speaks at the meeting