An internal meeting on the draft decree detailing and providing measures for the implementation of Law on Belief and Religion was held on October 9 at headquarters of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA).
The meeting took place after the final draft decree appraised by the Ministry of Justice on October 3.
Attending the event included Chairman of the GCRA Vũ Chiến Thắng, Vice Chairmen of the GCRA Bùi Thanh Hà and Dương Ngọc Tấn, and representatives from the GCRA’s departments who are members of the drafting committee and editing board of the draft decree project.
Based on comments from the Appraisal Council under the Ministry of Justice, the meeting produced the fourth version of the draft decree detailing and providing measures for the implementation of Law on Belief and Religion. This draft version now consists of 28 articles arranged in five chapters and 55 forms on administrative procedures.
As part of the drafting process, the latest version of the draft decree will soon be submitted to the Minister of Home Affairs.
Vice Chairman Bùi Thanh Hà speaks at the meeting