Government religious committee pays pre-Christmas visits to Catholic places in Central region
A delegation from the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) paid Christmas visits to Ha Tinh diocese, Tri Buu parish in Quang Tri province, the Vietnam Council of Major Superiors of Religious and the Our Lady of La Vang Pilgrimage Centre ahead of Christmas 2019.
The GCRA delegation led by Director of the Catholic Affairs Department Lê Minh Khánh was welcomed by Priest Vicar General Representative of Ha Tinh diocese Jean Baptiste Nguyễn Khắc Bá, Priest Head of Tri Buu parish Jean Baptiste Lê Quang Quý, and Priest Joseph Nguyễn Văn Quang, President of the Vietnam Council of Major Superiors of Religious.
During the visiting receptions, Director Lê Minh Khánh extended merry Christmas and happy New Year to Catholic dignitaries, clergies and lay people in the localities.
Director Lê Minh Khánh (middle) extends Christmas greetings to Priest Head of Tri Buu parish Jean Baptiste Lê Quang Quý
GCRA delegation visits the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Council of Major Superiors of Religious