Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) Vũ Chiến Thắng paid a visit to Thanh Hoa diocese on December 4, ahead Christmas 2019.
Joining the visit included Director of Catholic Affairs Department under the GCRA Lê Minh Khánh and Chairman of the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs Bùi Hải Vinh.
Bishop of Thanh Hoa diocese Joseph Nguyễn Đức Cường welcomed the visiting delegation.
During the visit, Chairman Vũ Chiến Thắng extended merry Christmas celebrations to Bishop Joseph Nguyễn Đức Cường, priests and Catholics in the diocese. The GCRA Chairman highly valued social charities supporting the fishermen and ethnic people in the locality made by the diocese Caritas and took the chance to share with the hosts recent progresses of the relation between Vietnam and Vatican.
The Chairman also expressed hope that, under the guidance of Bishop Joseph Nguyễn Đức Cường, Catholics in the diocese would continue promoting fine traditions, accompanying with the nation, contributing to the socio-economic development in the locality.
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