Government religious committee official visits Vietnam Evangelical Church (South)


Vice Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) cum Head of the working group of Ministry of Home Affairs Nguyễn Tiến Trọng visited on September 14 the Vietnam Evangelical Church (South) and handed over a decision approving the intermediate theology training to the church’s Institute for Bible and Theology.

The GCRA Vice Chairman accompanied by Director of the GCRA’s Southern Religious Affairs Department Trà Quang Thanh was welcomed by Pastor President of the evangelical church cum Director of the church’s bible and theology institute Thái Phước Trường at the church's office located in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 1.

At the welcoming reception, Pastor President Thái Phước Trường shared with the guests the Covid-19 prevention and control work and charity activities during the pandemic outbreak by the evangelical church and its bible and theology institute over the past months. The pastor president also had exchanges with the GCRA official about the church's affairs in the last months of the year, which include the organization of the church’s national congress when the epidemic is under control in the city.

Speaking with the host, Vice Chairman Nguyễn Tiến Trọng highly appreciated practical contributions made by the evangelical church to the Covid-19 prevention and control work over the past time, especially the close coordination with the municipal authorities for controlling the Covid-19 outbreak within the bible and theology institute and the charity activities launched by the evangelical church.

The GCRA Vice Chairman also sent his sympathy and encouragement to families of members of the evangelical church who have relatives being treated for Covid-19 infections.

On behalf of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs, Vice Chairman Nguyễn Tiến Trọng handed over the GCRA’s decision approving the intermediate theology training to the bible and theology institute.

GCRA’s Decision on approval of intermediate theology training

On the same day, the GCRA Vice Chairman also visited the Bible and Theology Institute and met with Partor Nguyễn An Thái, Supervisor of the institute.

During the reception, Pastor Nguyễn An Thái took the chance to thank the GCRA for its due support and favorable conditions extended to the institute's training affairs. He also informed the GCRA official that currently 100% of students, teachers and staff at the institute have tested negative for Covid-19.

GCRA Vice Chairman Nguyễn Tiến Trọng visits Bible and Theology Institute of Southern Evangelical Church.