Government Religious Committee official pays pre-Christmas visits to Central region


Vice Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) Nguyễn Tiến Trọng led a delegation on December 7-8 to visit Central Catholic dioceses of Thanh Hoa, Vinh and Ha Tinh, ahead of Christmas 2021.  

During the visits, the GCRA delegation met with Bishop Joseph Nguyễn Đức Cường of Thanh Hoa diocese; Bishop Alfonso Nguyễn Hữu Long of Vinh diocese; Bishop Cao Đình Thuyên, former Bishop of Vinh diocese; and Bishop Louis Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, Apostolic Administrator of Ha Tinh diocese.

At the visiting receptions, Vice Chairman of the GCRA Nguyễn Tiến Trọng extended merry Christmas 2021 to the bishops, priests and lay Catholics in Thanh Hoa, Vinh and Ha Tinh dioceses. He spoke highly of practical contributions made by the dioceses and local Catholic leaders in encouraging parishioners to proactively join patriotic movements and the Covid-19 prevention work, practically contributing to socio-economic development in localities.

The Vice Chairman expressed hope that the bishops and priests in the dioceses would continue encouraging lay Catholics to join charitable programs and well observe Covid-19 preventive measures guided by the Government, the Ministry of Health and local authorities during Christmas celebration 2021.

GCRA delegation presents floral congratulation to Bishop Alfonso Nguyễn Hữu Long of Vinh diocese

The delegation visits Bishop Cao Đình Thuyên, former Bishop of Vinh diocese

The delegation presents gifts to Bishop Louis Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, Apostolic Administrator of Ha Tinh diocese



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