Government Religious Committee official delivers key speech at training human right training  in Ninh Binh


Vice Chairwoman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) Trần Thị Minh Nga has joined reporters at a training conference on human rights affairs organized on August 6 by the office of the Government’s Human Rights Steering Committee.

At the training conference

GCRA Vice Chairwoman Trần Thị Minh Nga speaks at the training conference

During the conference, Vice Chairwoman Trần Thị Minh Nga presented a topic on ensuring freedom of belief and religion and preventing acts abusing rights of freedom of belief and religion, and a representative from the Ministry of Public Security delivered a presentation on human rights in the new situation.

The conference aimed to enhance local officials’ knowledge on the Party and the State’s guidelines and policies on human rights, rights of freedom of religion, contributing to better protect and promote human rights, as well as prevent acts abusing rights of freedom of belief and religion in the province.


Minh Lan