Government Religious Committee meets with NA Committee on project of Law on Belief and Religion
Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) had a working session with the NA Committee for Culture, Education, Youth and Children on implementation of policies on belief and religion and the project of law on belief and religion on Dec. 29.
Attending the meeting were Mr. Phạm Dũng, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Chairman of the GCRA cum Standing Vice Chairman of the Drafting Committee; Mr. Bùi Thanh Hà and Mr. Dương Ngọc Tấn, Vice-Chairmen of the GCRA and representatives from departments of the Committee.
Representatives from the NA Committee at the meeting included Mr. Trịnh Ngọc Thạch, Mrs. Ngô Thị Minh and Mr. Lê Như Tiến, Vice Chairmen; Mr. Phạm Tất Thắng and Mrs. Hoàng Thị Hoa, members of the Committee.
At the meeting, Leaders of the GCRA briefed about the implementation of religious policies and the project of law on belief and religion.
Currently, Vietnam recognized 38 religious organizations and 01 religious sect belonging to 14 religions; there are over 24 million religious followers in the country (about 27% overall population), 83,000 dignitaries and 25,000 worshipping places.
As reported at the meeting, ten-years implementing the Ordinance on Belief and Religion enacted by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly in 2004 and its two guiding decrees (Decree No. 22/2005 and Decree 92/2012) brought remarkable results, contributing to strengthen national solidarity, promote socio –economic development and maintain political – social stability.
However, the Ordinance on Belief and Religion showed limitations given current religious practices and the need for state governance on religious affairs in the new period. Thus it’s necessary to have a new law on religion with a higher legal effect.
According to the planning schedule, the project of Law on Belief and Religion will be sent to the Ministry of Justice in June, 2015, the Government in July, 2015, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for comments in September, 2015 and the National Assembly for approval in December, 2015.
Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Chairman of the GCRA speaks at the meeting
Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Phạm Dũng, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Chairman of the GCRA stated that the new law on belief and religion should closely follow guidelines and policies of the Party and State on belief and religion, promote the role and potential of religious organizations in development of the country; specify provisions of the Constitution of 2013 on human rights, religious freedom and religion in order to ensure the constitutionality and consistency in the whole legal system.
Vice Chairman of the NA Committee Trịnh Ngọc Thạch speaks at the meeting.
Mr. Trịnh Ngọc Thạch highly appreciated efforts by the GCRA in the implementation the project of law on belief and religion. He also pledged to closely coordinate with the GCRA for ensuring the new law on belief and religion promulgated on schedule.