Government religious committee holds national conference disseminating religious laws


Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) Vũ Hoài Bắc chaired on July 18 a national conference disseminating state laws on religion 2024 in Quang Ninh province.

Chairman of GCRA Vũ Hoài Bắc speaks at the dissemination

The conference taking place in the province’s Ha Long city saw the presence of Vice Chairpersons of the GCRA’s Trần Thị Minh Nga, Nguyễn Ánh Chức and Nguyễn Tiến Trọng, and nearly 200 cadres in charge of religious affairs in all 63 provinces and cities in the country.

In the opening speech at the event, Chairman Vũ Hoài Bắc shared about the belief & religious life in the first six months of 2024 across the country, and asked local cadres to continue guiding religious practices in accordance with state laws, and actively collaborate with concerning agencies for well implementing the state administration on belief & religion, contributing to ensure social stability throughout the country.

Dr. Head of GCRA’s Inspection and Legislation Division Nguyễn Thị Định speaks at the conference

During the conference, Dr. Head of GCRA’s Inspection and Legislation Division Nguyễn Thị Định clarified 19 new provisions of the Decree No.95/2023/NĐ-CP as compared with Decree No.162/2017/NĐ-CP. These provision regulates the interpretation of concepts of worshipping & auxiliary constructions, documents proving lawful religious venues, changing representatives and venues of foreigners legally residing in Vietnam, the suspension and restoration of religious activities of religious organizations and religious training facilities, auxiliary constructions exempted from construction permits, donation from foreign organizations and individuals, forms of organizing religious activities, fundraisings and reception of donation, reception of dossiers, and decentralization and authorization of competent powers, etc.

Deputy Director of Home Affairs’ Department in Quang Ninh Hoàng Bá Hướng speaks at the event

Chairman of Religious Affairs Committee in An Giang Lê Tùng Châu speaks at the gathering

As reported, the Decree 95 promulgated on December 29, 2023 replacing the Decree 162 dated on December 30, 2017 contains six chapters with 33 articles, eight additional articles as compared with the previous decree. The new and additional provisions aim to better facilitate religious practices and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the state administration on belief and religion in the coming time.

Dr. Head of GCRA’s Institute for Religious Policy Studies Lê Thị Liên speaks at the conference

During the conference, Dr. Head of GCRA’s Institute for Religious Policy Studies Lê Thị Liên also shared about basic contents of 27 provisions relating religion-related land in the Law of the Land 2024, and highlighted new regulations related to religion and belief of the land law 2024 as compared with the law of the land 2013.


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