Government Religious Committee holds conference honoring its officials' contribution for 2010-2015 period
Towards celebration of 60th Anniversary of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA), State Sector on Religious Affairs (August 2) and 70th Anniversary of the National Day (September 2), the GCRA solemnly held a conference on July 21 to review the emulation program in the 2010 - 2015 period.
Attending the conference were Vice Chairmen of the GCRA Bùi Thanh Hà and Dương Ngọc Tấn, representatives of the Home Affairs Ministry and the GCRA’ officials and staff.
Chairman of GCRA’s Emulation and Commendation Board Dương Ngọc Tấn speaks at the conference
During the event, many collectives and individuals were honored for their outstanding achievements to the State administration on religious affairs: four collectives and 13 individuals received the Third-class Labor Medal by the President, seven collectives and 16 individuals were awarded the certificate of merit from the Prime Minister, 17 collectives and 45 individuals were presented the certificate of merit from the Minister of the Home Affairs Ministry./.
Vice Chairman Bùi Thanh Hà speaks at conference
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