The Party Committee of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) held a conference to review its performance 2014 and approve working plans for 2015 on Jan. 7.
Attending the conference were Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the GCRA Phạm Dũng; Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs Mai Thanh Bình; Vice Chairmen of the GCRA Bùi Thanh Hà and Dương Ngọc Tấn and all Party members of the GCRA.
Speaking at the conference, Secretary of the Party Committee Phạm Dũng stated that over the past year, the Party Committee has efficiently completed many important tasks in the state governance on religion, dissemination of policies and laws of the Party and State to officials working on state religious affairs as well as religious dignitaries and followers.
During the conference, participants commended on the draft report and the proposed program for 2015 focusing on the strengthening of the Party Committee activities, consolidation of personnel of the GCRA, enhancement of professional works, contributing to build a powerful Party organ.
On this occasion, the Party Committee of the GCRA awarded 40-year and 30-year Party membership badges to Mr. Trần Mạnh Hưng, former Director of Department of Protestant Affairs and Mr. Dương Văn Khá, Chief of the Committee Office and presented the Party member card for 9 Party members of the GCRA.
Deputy Minister of Home Affairs cum Chairman of the GCRA Phạm Dũng speaks at the conference
Overview of the conference
Mr. Mai Thanh Binh speaks at the conference
Mr. Dương Văn Khá and Mr. Trần Mạnh Hưng receive 40-year and 30-year Party membership badges.
Nine Party members receive Party member card
Kiều Nga