The Veterans Association under the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) held its first congress for the 2017-2022 tenure on July 5.
Attending the event included Chairman of the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Veterans Association (MOHA) Đặng Thanh Tùng, members of the GCRA’s Veterans Association, and representatives of the GCRA’s departments and divisions, Trade Union and Youth Union.
The congress approved activities on results of the GCRA’s Veterans Association for the 2014-2017 period and working plans for the 2017-2022 tenure, as well as elected five members to the new Executive Committee of the GCRA’s Veterans Association for the first tenure of 2017-2022.
Chairman of MOHA’s Veterans Association Đặng Thanh Tùng speaks at congress
New Executive Committee of GCRA’s Veterans Association for 2017-2022 tenure makes debut