The Party Committee of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) held on July 5a meeting to review its performance in the first six months of 2018 and approved working plans for the last six months of 2018.
The event was chaired by Secretary of the Party Committee cum Vice Chairman of the GCRA Bùi Thanh Hà and attended by representatives from Party sub-committees and mass organizations of the GCRA.
As reported at the meeting, in the first six months of 2018, the GCRA’s Party Committee organized meetings on the resolutions of the fifth and sixth plenum of the Party Central Committee and the President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style. The Youth Union under the GCRA collected and released a publication entitled “President Ho Chi Minh and Religious Affairs”.
Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairman Bùi Thanh Hà urged Party sub-committee to innovate methods of popularizing directives and decrees of the Party, and promote the study of President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morals, and style.