An assisting team of the Joint-working Group established for helping the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) hosting the UN Day of Vesak 2019 in Vietnam has been set up at a meeting held on March 19.
The meeting taking place in the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA)’s office was chaired by Chairman of the GCRA cum Vice Chairman of the the Joint-working Group Vũ Chiến Thắng.
The assisting team consists of 20 members from the GCRA’s departments and units led by Director of the GCRA’s Buddhist Affairs Department Bùi Hữu Dược. The assisting team has been assigned to carry out specific tasks of the joint-working group aims to guide UN Day of Vesak 2019.
Chairman Vũ Chiến Thắng speaks at the meeting
Speaking at the meeting, Chairman Vũ Chiến Thắng asked the assisting team to keep updated information and closely work with the VBS and relevant authorities, as well as put forward recommendations to the GCRA’s leaders on matters that may better help the VBS to successfully host the UN Day of Vesak 2019 in Vietnam.
Head of the assisting team Bùi Hữu Dược speaks at the meeting
During the meeting, Mr. Bùi Hữu Dược also reported on preparations of the VBS and the joint-working group, as well as a working plan of the GCRA in guiding and assisting the VBS to organize the UN Day of Vesak 2019.
The UN Day of Vesak 2019 with the main theme “Buddhist Approach to Global Leadership and Shared Responsibility for Sustainable Societies” hosted by the VBS will take place from May 12 -14, 2019 at the Tam Chuc Buddhist Cultural Center located in Ha Nam province.