The Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) held a seminar on scientific research of its youth on March 17.
The event was presided over by Vice Chairman of the GCRA Dương Ngọc Tấn, and attended by representatives from GCRA’s departments and divisions, and members of the GCRA’s Youth Union.
Vice Chairman Dương Ngọc Tấn speaks at seminar
According to the event’s report, during the past years, the GCRA implemented many projects, subjects and programs of the scientific research on the state administration on religion sector. These research activities have made practical contributions to the development of the legislation and regulation on the state governance on religious affairs.
During the seminar, participants discussed roles of the Youth Union’s members in scientific research and current situation of research activities conducted by GCRA’s youth, including their limitations and challenges. The seminar also approved solutions for overcoming difficulties as well as strengthening efficiency of scientific research activities by youth members of the GCRA in the coming time.
Some photos at the event:
Mrs. Nguyễn Phương Hoa from GCRA’s Catholic Affairs Department speaks at event
Delegate of Protestant Affairs Department Nguyễn Đăng Bản gives comments
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