GCRA asks provincial religious committees to prevent large religious gatherings in localities
The GCRA on April 7 issued a dispatch to the provincial-level committee for religious affairs of the country’s provinces and cities, regardingthe implementation of the Prime Minister’sdirective on the nation-wide social distancing.
In the dispatch, the GCRA asked the provincial religious committees to regularly check the observance of the directive of the Prime Minister by local religious followers and organizations, and promptly provide correction or further guidance for ensuring strict implementation of the directive.
In cases ofreligious organizations and individuals in localitiesfound disobeying PM’s directives and local regulations on preventive measures for controlling the nCov pandemic, the government religious committee urged provincial religious committees of the localities to closely collaborate with concerning provincial authorities for strictly handlingthese violators in accordance with the law./.
The GCRA’s dispatch also called on the provincial-level religious committee to promote the role of local religious leaders for ensuring the strict implementation of instructed measures for the covid-19 prevention and control.