The Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) in collaboration with the Committee for Solidarity of Vietnamese Catholics (CSVC) held on February 25 a friendly sports competition.
The event taking place in the GCRA’s office saw the presence of Chief of the Home Affairs Ministry’s Office Vũ Đăng Minh, Chairman of the GCRA Vũ Chiến Thắng, Priest Chairman of the CSVC Joseph Trần Xuân Mạnh, the GCRA’s officials and staff, a CSVC delegation, and the GCRA and CSVC’ athletes.
A trumpet performance from the CSVC
Beginning the event, an art performance displayed by groups from the GCRA and the CSVC brought joy festive atmosphere to audiences.
A duet of the GCRA performs a song
In table tennis competition and tug of war, athletes showed enthusiasm and dedication for spectators with beautiful performances.
After the competition, leaders of the GCRA and CSVC presented souvenir flag and awards to outstanding individuals and teams.
A table tennis match of mix double competition
A match of men’ single competition
At a tug of war match
Joy on faces of athletes and spectators
Chairman Vũ Chiến Thắng and Priest Joseph Trần Xuân Mạnh present congratulatory flowers and flag to athletes