The Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) held on January 02 the final meeting on a project of research and survey on Khmer Theravada Buddhism in Vietnam.
The project headed by Deputy Director of the GCRA’s Buddhist Affairs Department Nguyễn Phúc Nguyên aims to produce a comprehensive research and survey on Khmer Theravada Buddhism in Vietnam, as well as make recommendations for guidelines and policies on Khmer Theravada Buddhism.
At the meeting, the project was finally appraised by a seven-member council headed by Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyễn Thắng Lợi from Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics.
During the event, members of the assessment council noted that the project has achieved the set goals and tasks, and contributed theoretical and practical values to the state management of Khmer Theravada Buddhism.
The council members also asked the project management board to add a more thorough analysis of issued documents related to Khmer Theravada Buddhism as well as data collected during the survey.
As for the final appraisal, the assessment council gave the project an excellent ranking.