Deputy Minister of Home Affair Vũ Chiến Thắng sends thank-you letters to religious organizations


Deputy Minister of the Home Affairs Ministry Vũ Chiến Thắng on August 23 sent separate thank-you letters to religious organizations, praising their practical contributions for the Covid-19 prevention work.

The fourth wave of Covid-19 pandemic has daily caused thousands of infected cases, and many provinces and cities in the country have imposed strict social distancing, seriously affecting the people’s social, daily life. Together with the whole nation and people, religious organizations in the country have actively joint efforts in the Covid-19 prevention work as well as launched charity programs for supporting disadvantaged people during the pandemic in localities.

In the letters of appreciation, Deputy Minister Vũ Chiến Thắng has spoke highly of practical contributions made by religious organizations for the Covid-19 prevention work in localities, emphasizing that the religious organizations have proactively guided followers to strictly observe the Prime Minister’s direction on Covid-19 prevention work by timely calling for suspension of religious ceremonies, meetings and practices with large gatherings as well as organizing online religious practices, etc. In addition, the religious organizations in the country have actively made donations to the Covid-19 vaccine fund, contributions of medical supplies and equipment, voluntary services by thousands of religious followers in taking care Covid-19 infected cases, and offerings of foods and other necessities to disadvantaged people badly affected by the pandemic, etc.

Thank-you letters of Deputy Minister Vũ Chiến Thắng sent to religious organizations

The home affairs ministry official also thanked the religious organizations for their noble gestures, and expressed his belief that given the solidarity and support of religious organizations, Vietnam would soon win the fight against Covid-19 pandemic.


Nguyên Hải