Conference gathers comments on draft Ordinance on amendments and supplements to several articles of the Ordinance on Belief and Religion
On December 18, 2013 the Government Committee for Religious Affairs under the Ministry of Home Affair (the agency in charge of drafting the revised Ordinance) held a conference to collect comments from the state administration on religious affair sector on the contents of the first revised Ordinance.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phạm Dũng, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs, Head of the Drafting Board, chaired the event. Also attending the conference were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyễn Thanh Xuân, Vice Chairman of the Committee; Dr Bùi Thanh Hà, Vice Chairman of the Committee, deputy head of the Drafting Board; Mr. Dương Ngọc Tấn, Vice Chairman of the Committee and leader from the committee’s departments, some members of the Drafting Board and the Editorial Team, as well as representatives from committees for religious affairs divisions of religious affair under the department of home affair of provinces and cities nationwide.
Addressing the event, Mr. Phạm Dũng asked delegates to study and contribute their ideas to the revised articles of the draft Ordinance, and propose supplements to some contents that need to be modified so that they are suitable for current religious practices, such as beliefs, recognition of religious organization’ participation in charitable activities, religious activities of foreigners in Vietnam; and the authority of state management agencies on religion at all levels...
The majority of the participants agreed with the draft as the amendments contribute to solve existing problems and accord with the revised Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was approved by the National Assembly on November 28, 2013
Here are some images at the conference:
Phạm Dũng, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs, Head of the Drafting Board, chairs the event
Participants give comments
Overview of the Conference
Trí Dũng