Facing to this situation, on the 5th February, 2005, the Prime Minister issued Instruction No. 01/CT-TTg on some tasks regarding Protestantism (Instruction No. 01 for short). After 5 years OF implementing Instruction No. 01 regarding Protestantism, we have achieved important results and Protestant situation in Vietnam has changed more actively. This Instruction has contributed to religious affairs of the Party and the Government in the innovative period.
1. The situation of Protestantism and the establishment of the Instruction No. 01
+ The situation of Protestantism. Protestantism has presented in Vietnam since the late nineteenth century, but it officially was introduced in Da Nang in 1991 . The first church was build in Da Nang by clergyman of the CMA, also known as the Christian and Missionary of Alliance of American-CMA. In 1954, Protestantism in Vietnam had about 60 thousand followers and more than 100 pastors and missionaries. In 1975 in Vietnam there were 200.000 Protestant believers, more than 500 dignitaries, over 20 Protestant organizations and denominations. After 1975,activities of Protestantism seemed to be reduced, but from 1980s up to now Protestantism has developed in ethnic minorities in Northern mountainous area, in the Central Highlands. In 2005 Protestant church in Vietnam had million believers. When the Ordinance on Belief and Religion is implemented, in Vietnam there are four Protestant areas. The situation and solutions of these areas are different from each other:
- Protestant organizations have legal status: Vietnam Protestant Church (in South) and Vietnam Protestant Church (in North) are the two great Protestant organizations which had been recognized as the legal organizations with over 700 thousand believers, before the Instruction No. 01 was issued. However, due to many reasons, Vietnam Protestant Church (in North) was recognized as legal entity from 1958, after this organization underwent a crisis of leadership (1994-2004). Vietnam Protestant Church (in South) was recognized as legal entity in 2001, but in the Central Highlands Protestantism has not operated normally yet so we have many problems to resolve after 25 years this church has operated unofficially.
- Protestant organizations, and sects have not legal status yet. In 1975, in the South there were just over ten Protestant organizations, but in 2005 there were approximately seven 70 Protestant organizations, denominations with more than 300 thousand followers. The origins, sizes and organizational structures of these organizations and denominations are very diversified. Some of them have presented in the South before 1975, and some other organizations appeared recently or they were from foreign countries, or were separated from the sects which were established before 1975.
Most unrecognized Protestant organizations do not have place of worship so they carry out their religious activities in 2,500 groups (only 14 places of worship are operated). Most dignitaries were ordained by themselves selves so their standards of ordination are different. Many organizations declare that they have hundreds of thousands of followers, but many groups have only a few hundred people. Most organizations have their centers in Ho Chi Minh, but they mainly operate in the provinces and cities in the country, especially in West - North and the Central Highlands.
- The Central Highlands consist of central coast, southern Truong Son and northern mountainous areas (known as North West). When Instruction 01 is issued, in the Central Highlands there were many problems regarding to Protestantism to be paid attention to. In the Central Highlands there are 400 thousand believers, most of them followed Protestantism in the last decades of the twentieth century (comparing to 1975 the number of Protestants here increased over 7 times, because before 1975 there were just over 60 thousand Protestants).
New Protestants in the Central Highlands belong to many organizations and sects. They carry out their religious activities in nearly 2,000 places. From 2001 to 2005 when Vietnam Protestant Church (in South) was recognized as legal church, only about 10% of Protestants carried out their activities normally. The rest had not been registered under the law.
- In the Northwestern region. Except for 01 group of Yao people in Bac Son district, Lang Son province was a organization of Vietnam Protestant Church (in North) and established before 1945. From the middle of 1980, Protestantism penetrated and rapidly developed in northwest with 110 thousand new believers, most of them were Mong people (not including 25,000 Mong Protestants migrated to the Central Highlands in 2005). Because of many reasons, religious activities of all ethnic Protestants in the northern mountainous provinces had not been recognized. Many problems related to ethnic minority, religion, education, culture, social order and safety need to be solved.
It is noted that all Protestant believers in Vietnam desire to operate religious activities normally. We should pay attention to this problem.
+ The situation of establishment of Instruction 01. Beside a large number of Protestant believers need to perform religious activities as stated above. The Instruction No.1 was issued in the situation as follows:
- First, awareness of administrative levels on Protestantism and the work regarding Protestants is different. The government’s policy on tasks regarding Protestantism was formed in the end of 1980s through Announcement 184-TB/TW Report (1998), Announcement 255-TB/TW (1999) but it had not been concretized in legal documents and implemented unanimously.
The management of State on Protestantism did not promote effectively. Some cases complained to central government about authorities fined anyone who followed Protestantism or carried out missionary work especially the area of Mong people in northwestern . The hostile forces took advantage of cases to distort that Vietnam violated democracy and human rights. They even openly imposed conditions and put pressure on Vietnam in international and bilateral relations.
Another important matter is implementation of policies regarding Protestantism in the context that the State has just issued Ordinance on Belief and religion. This legislative document has most legal value in the field of religion. Especially, Ordinance on Belief and Religion has validity and high unanimity. It means that the provisions of the Ordinance must be implemented in practice and in the whole of Vietnam. There is no distinction between the regions and the localities so that the implementation of policies regarding religion in general and Protestantism in particular must be seriously consistent with the law. From other angle, we find that, the Ordinance on Belief and Religion regulates religious activities while religious activities of Protestantism as mentioned above were not able to comply with the provisions of the Ordinance.
- Protestant problems in Vietnam are settled when our country is entering the period of industrialization and modernization. As we have analyzed above because of historical, religious and cultural characteristics, Protestantism has some features in accordance with the lifestyle and culture of people in industrial society. Furthermore, Protestantism is a large religion in the world with 700 million believers (including Anglican). It has great influence on the advanced industrial countries in Western Europe, Northern Europe and North America. Therefore we must implement the policies regarding Protestantism in the new conditions at home and abroad.
When Ordinance on Belief and religion was issued we should be unanimous in awareness and tasks regarding Protestantism. We should help Protestantism to operate normally and implement the laws as other religions. On the other hand, if the tasks regarding Protestantism is done well we contribute an important part to the foreign policy of the Party and the Government.
2. The contents of the Instruction No. 01
We have accepted the Party’s view on Protestantism in the new era through Announcement 184 (1988), Announcement 255 (1999): Protestantism is not forbidden, any one who takes advantage of Protestantism for bad purposes will be punished; we respect and guarantee the right to freedom of religion and belief of Protestant believers. We also need to recognize Protestantism’s diversity to manage it by law. We also must guide and help Protestant organizations and sects to build direction for progressive activities and comply with the law. Furthermore, we should struggle against any action which take advantage of Protestantism to destroy the national unity and to cause political instability of the country.
Basing on the above directions, Instruction No. 01 states some works regarding Protestantism
First, we carry out properly economic, cultural and social development programs to raise people’s material and spiritual living condition, and create good conditions for Protestant followers to have attached to their local community so they take part in economic, social and cultural activities. Then they will contribute actively to national construction and defense. At the same time, to enhance propaganda and create favorable conditions for Protestant dignitaries, believers to implement properly the Party's policies and state’s legislation on belief and religion; so as to normalize their religious activities in conformity with the law; motivate all Protestant dignitaries and believers to living the Gospel, serving God, the homeland and the Nation."
Second, for the Protestant organizations which were recognized as legal person status, such as Vietnam Protestant Church (in North), Vietnam Protestant Church (in South). "The Government shall guide them to conduct their religious activities in line with their charters and statutes, stipulations by the law.” Concretely, religious activities of believers, and operations of the dignitaries and the religious organizations, training and ordainment, transfer of dignitaries, printing and publishing Holy books, repairing places of worship, charitable activities, relationships with international Protestant organizations...
Third, for the unrecognized Protestant organizations which had come into being prior to 1975 in Vietnam are carrying out purely religious activities. Those meeting sufficient condition as stipulated by Ordinance shall be permitted to convene a General Council, pass their charters, elect leadership for the legal person status recognition.
For other Protestant sects, which have not enough conditions to recognize legal person status shall be helped to register for religious practice with the communal or ward authorities if a genuine belief related need is seen, if they have met sufficient conditions as stipulated by the law, they shall be recognized their legal person status gradually.
Fourth, for Protestants in the Central Highlands. To continue considering and recognizing eligible chapters of the Vietnam Protestant Church (in Southern) and create conditions for them to build places of worship, train and assign dignitaries who will give religious guidance to those chapters that have been recognized in keeping with stipulations by the law.
For places where condition are not yet available for the establishment and recognition of a chapter, if local follower have a need for purely religious practice, and commit to observe stipulations by the law and not act for Fulro, the communal or ward authorities shall create conditions for them to conduct normal religions practice at home, or permit them to register for their religious practice at a suitable place in the hamlet or village.
Fifth, for people coming from Northern mountainous provinces who have just adopted Protestantism, proper policies shall be devised on the basis of their belief related needs, along the following lines.” Protestant followers who have practiced Protestantism for some time and have genuine belief related needs should be , for the time being, guided to practice their religion at a suitable place in the hamlet . When conditions are available, they shall be facilitated to practice their religion normally in accordance with stipulations by the law
Sixth to resolutely combat designs and maneuvers of hostile elements to abuse religion and Protestant signboard to incite and lure people, sow division among the nation, and conduct activities against the country. To notify publicly people of those who in the guise of Protestantism to carry out activities against law; at the same time “to strictly prohibit any one coerce people to follow or renounce a religion.
Seventh, in order to perform the above concrete contents, the Prime Minister emphasized that all levels and services " to disseminate thoroughly and fully implement the Party's guidelines and the State’s legislation concerning belief and religion, and the policies on Protestantism" to create unity in implementing work regarding Protestantism

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Xuan – Vice Chairman of the Government Committee for Religion Affair met Pastor Nguyen Huu Mac - The head of the Protestant Church of Vietnam (in North) on the occasion that Protestant Church of Vietnam (in North) visited the Government Committee for Religion Affair in Tet holiday 2012.
3. Results of implementing Instruction No. 01
After recognizing the importance and significance of the Instruction No. 01, the Government Committee for Religion Affair has coordinated with the Ministries, Central and Local services to build three major plans to concretize and implement Instruction No. 01 better such as (Plan No. 04 (2005) is carrying out work regarding Protestantism in the Central Highlands; Plan No. 05 (2006) is carrying out work regarding Protestantism in the Northwestern region; Plan No. 08 (2006) is carrying out work regarding the unrecognized religious organizations.
Specifically, with three above-mentioned work plans, the implementation of Instruction No. 01 has attracted by many levels and braches and localities to take part in and carry out the law, in accordance with special situation of each region. They evaluated experiences in each stage. To define that the work regarding Protestantism is new and difficult. Awareness of Protestantism and the work regarding Protestantism in the political system have a gap between different offices so that one of important works is to have thorough grasp of work regarding Protestantism in the new situation. This work is associated with the process of implementation Resolution of the 7th plenum of the CPV’s central committee (Term IX) on religious affairs and Ordinance on Belief and Religion. There are many diverse forms including training conferences, seminars, exchanges, propaganda by means of communications. The Government Committee for Religion has organized 70 training conferences for 12,500 participations dealing with religious affairs at all levels in provinces, districts and localities. Many local offices translate legal documents on religion and Instruction No. 01 into ethnic languages such as Banar, Jrai, Ede, and Xedang, Mongolia ... language. These documents are popularized by means of communications. All these actions have created a fundamental change and harmony in the political and social system.
In 2007, under the direct guidance of the Deputy Prime Minister Truong Vinh Trong, the Government Committee for Religion Affair held meeting to sum up three-year implementation of Instruction No. 01 in the whole of country, assess the results and draw up lessons, and concurrently determine the focus of tasks in the next stage.
Here are the results of each region after five years implementing of Instruction No. 01:
+ For Vietnam Protestant Church (in North) and Vietnam Protestant Church (in South)
Both organizations have been consolidated, and operated under the advanced direction. They observe the laws and go together with nation. They also promote their role and have good influence on other Protestant organizations and sects in Vietnam. In Vietnam, Protestant Church (in North) is strengthened in many aspects, such as ordaining pastors, training for dignitaries, publishing ...
Furthermore, the Protestant church has kept the impact in the North West regions and promoted its role in the Vietnam Fatherland Front. Vietnam Protestant Church (in South) completely normalizes all activities in the southern provinces. It held theology classes in the provinces, expanded Theological Institutes in Ho Chi Minh City. It has trained 5 courses for 500 students and published many pastoral books (including 30 thousand bilingual Bible books such as Vietnamese - Bannar, Vietnam - Ede, Vietnam – Jrai…). In June 2011, the two Protestant churches celebrated the 100th anniversary of Protestantism in Vietnam (1911-2011) in Da Nang, in Hanoi and in Ho Chi Minh City. This anniversary enhances the position of two Protestant churches in the country and in the world.
+ For Protestant organizations and sects, Protestant sects which have not been recognized
Before Instruction 01 was implemented, there were many problems that regarding these organizations needed to be resolved . Basing on assessment of the current situations of Protestant organizations we guide them to register for religious activities in accordance with stipulations by the law.
By 2011, the Prime Minister granted authority to the Government Committee for Religion Affair to recognize the seven Protestant organizations and grant registration certificate to some Protestant organizations. Concretely, Christian Mission in Vietnam (2007), the Adventist Church in Vietnam (2007), Vietnam Southern Grace Baptist Church (2008), the Vietnamese Baptist Church - Southern (2008), Mennonite Church of Vietnam (2008), Protestant Presbyterian Church of Vietnam (2008), Christian Fellowship Church of Vietnam (2011). Vietnam Pentecostal Church (2009) was granted registration certificate. 10 Protestant organizations in Vietnam have been recognized and they registered their religious activities.
The Protestant organizations which have been recognized legal person status, define their orientations and their social activities. They attach to nation, observe the laws and integrate into Vietnam culture. Seventh day Adventist Church in Vietnam: "worship the living, loving fellow, respecting the God, loving people and serve the country"; Christian Mission in Vietnam: "Propagandize Jesus Christ’s name to everyone, so that we can build the church to worship God and love human beings "; Vietnam Baptist Church (Southern Grace):"worship the Triune God, love people as God's teaching: we respect God with all our heart, soul. We should live and work according to social demand. We unite and attach to our nation for building country”.
Vietnam Baptist Church (Southern):" Respect God, love people, worship God, study God's word in the Bible, evangelize, unite to build evangelical church, live the Gospel, serve God, serve the country, attach to nation and comply with the law "; Mennonite Church of Vietnam: " worship the Triune God and love people as God's words in the Bible, live the Gospel, serve God, serve the country and go together with the country"; Christian Fellowship Church of Vietnam: "loyally worship the Triune God, love people as God’s words in Scripture and be loyal to the nation", ...
+ For Protestantism in the Central Highlands
The authorities in the Central Highlands, Binh Phuoc have normalized and managed most of Protestant activities by law. At present there are 450 thousand followers living there. They belong to 31 denominations and family churches. Among them there are 184 chapters and 1,284 groups with more than 430 thousand people have been granted registration certificate. They make up nearly 91% (Kon Tum was 93%, Dak Lak was 78%, Dak Nong was 100%, Lam Dong was 97%, Gia Lai was 93%, ...). Protestant Representative board in the provinces were strengthened according to the Charter (2001) of the General Federal Protestant Church (in South).
After being recognized, 80 chapters are granted land and transferred the right of using land (49 chapters build the church, 31 chapters submit application for a construction permit).More than 150 pastors, and 180 licensed pastors and missionaries are recognized by the local authorities. Many Protestant believers are allowed to learn in Theology Institute; over 300 students have been trained theology. Many dignitaries are trained. They will be good at culture, law, theology ... in the future. 30,000 bilingual Bible books (Vietnamese - Banar, Vietnamese - Ede, Vietnamese - Jrai) are published and released to meet the daily religious needs of believers in mountainous regions.
+ For the northern mountainous region
Protestantism has just developed in this region so there are many problems regarding the Protestantism and the authorities. In the first time Protestantism caused some conflicts on culture, life style because Protestantism asked believers to eliminate custom and traditional beliefs; in some places Protestantism disunited in family, in clan and in village, and influenced social order. Partly government levels do not thoroughly understand religion in general, Protestantism in particular so they were very worried. After the five provinces succeeded with 18 Protestant groups, 258/1.249 Protestant groups in 12 /13 provinces in northern mountainous areas were granted registration certificate in 2011 including 242 groups of Vietnam Protestant Church (in North), 16 groups of Christian Fellowship Church. Religious activities of 45,160 believers which make of 32,04% the Protestant believers in the region were in management. After registering, religious activities of Protestant groups are quite stable; they execute the policies of the Party and laws of the Government and local regulations. The number of "hot spots" and the lawsuit relating to Protestantism seemed to disappear. The conflicts between believers and non-believers do not happen The free migration of Mong people is reducing. The groups joyfully and cooperate with local authorities in many activities.
+ Together with the results in four Protestant areas as mentioned above, the implementation of Instruction No. 01 has created favorable conditions for Protestant organizations to participate in international activities. According to incomplete statistics of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs, from 2006 to 2011, among 80 international delegations that met the Government Committee for Religious Affairs, there were over 50 delegations mentioning the situation of Protestant activities. 22 delegations were the representatives of the embassies of USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and of country of European Union (EU) such as Kingdom of England, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway , Poland, ... and 15 delegations of the legislature, executive boards, research institutions and universities; 11 delegations of American Protestant organizations and denominations.
USCommissionon International ReligiousFreedom and John Hanford United States Ambassador- large for International religious Freedom John paid much attention toactivitiesof theProtestant peoplein the Central Highlands, Northwest. U.S. Institute of GlobalEngagement (IGE), through its partnership- U.S. – Vietnam Society of Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizationhad visited and workedin Vietnam for 7 times. It cooperated with the Institute for Religious studies to hold internationalconferenceson religionandlaw, and 2 rounded-tableseminars onProtestantism. Itpartly supportedfundsfor 6training conferenceson Protestantismin somenorthwestern provinces.
Some conclusions
Instruction No. 01 meets need of religious activities of believers. It makes Protestant activities to change for the better so dignitaries, religious followers believe in trust guidelines and policies of the Party and laws of the State. Their prejudices against the government are gradually abolished. Relation between the authorities with Protestant dignitaries is established, strengthened . That is why the work of mobilizing the masses, dignitaries and State management toward Protestant activities are supported.
Implementation of Instruction No. 01 has changed the perception on Protestantism and the work regarding Protestants in the whole political system. It help us to have comprehensive, more objective approach to Protestantism. Up to now, when assessing of Protestantism, we not only see its negative impacts but also its positive ones in lifestyle.
Implementation of Instruction No. 01 has helped cadres dealing with religious affairs to understand of Protestantism thoroughly. Instruction No. 01/2005/CT-TTg also helps local authorities to improve their ability in management of religion. Implementation of Instruction No. 01 has stabilized the situation of Protestantism in the region. It contributes to political stability, social security. At the same time, Protestantism also helps to create new life style and comply the law and eliminate bad customs and social evils.
Implementation of Instruction No. 01 contributes to foreign affairs and diplomacy. The evolution of Protestantism as mentioned above has changed the views of many foreign organizations and individuals on the situation of Protestantism in Vietnam. The work regarding Protestantism in recent years has contributed to Vietnam's accession to WTO, it contributes to the U.S. government to sign Permanent Normal Trade Relations with Vietnam (PNTR). It also contributes to make Vietnam to become non-permanent member of the Security Council of United Nations ... to remove Vietnam from list of countries of particular concern (CPC)
However process of implementation of Instruction No. 01 remains shortcomings which must be overcome; for example, the policies on work regarding Protestantism are not consistent, especially in the localities; the implementation of Instruction No. 01 in some localities was carried slowly; the management of registered groups was still confused, ... some Protestant activities has met to difficulties, some groups Protestant sects have not registered and their activities do not comply with the law, ...
It can be said, there are many works must be done later, but the result of Instruction No. 01 is very considerable. We can decide that the promulgation and implementation of Instruction No. 01 of the Prime Minister is absolutely correct and suitable with real situation. It makes a turning point in tasks regarding Protestantism in particular and religions in the general. /.
Nguyen Thanh Cao