Hai Duong province: Binh Giang district attaches importance to fostering defense-security acknowledge amongst religious community.
During the past years, along concentrating on the task of promoting the socio-economic development, Binh Giang district focused on disseminating knowledge of security and defense for religious dignitaries, deacons and followers in the locality.
Currently, Binh Giang district has 92 religious worshipping facilities, 23 operative pagodas and nearly 12,000 Buddhist monks, nuns and followers.
Ke Sat parish has a Ke Sat church - the biggest church in the province with nearly 5,000 Catholic followers. In important religious ceremonies, many followers in other places also visited and prayed in the church. On Christmas Day annually, there are about 20,000 participating followers. The district is one of key areas of defense and security in the province, so Binh Giang district Military Board has developed specific plans for disseminating knowledge of security and defense, suiting each region and each locality.
For the past five years, Binh Giang district has organized many training courses to disseminate knowledge of security and defense for religious dignitaries, deacons in the locality. In 2014 alone, the district held two training courses for 66 dignitaries, deacons of religions in the district. Through the training courses, religious followers better understood guidelines and policies of the Vietnam’ Party and State on religion.
Priest Bùi Văn Nhượng of Ke Sat church said that with equipped knowledge of security and defense, religious dignitaries and deacons has proactively encouraged followers to promote national solidarity and peace in Catholic communities and the parish.
Source: qdnd.vn