Da Nang city Religious Committee holds contest on problem solving in state governance on religious affairs
Da Nang city Committee for Religious Affairs held a competition on problem solving in the state administration on religious affairs on October 2 in Hai Chau district.
Seven teams from seven districts of Hai Chau, Thanh Khe, Lien Chieu, Son Tra, Ngu Hanh Son, Cam Le and Hoa Vang have taken part in the competition, each team comprising of three members. About 400 fans also attended the competition.
Compared with the first competition held in 2013, teams in this competition contested in only two parts of real problem solving in the local religious life, including one-known situation and another unpredictable circumstance.
As for the final result of the contest, the top prize went to Hoa Vang team, its team member, Lê Viết Lộc, official of Hoa Vang Home Affairs’ department was awarded the individual prize for the best problem solving. The second prize was awarded to Lien Chieu and Thanh Khe teams. Son Tran, Cam Le and Ngu Hanh Son teams received the third prize and the incentive prize went to Hai Chau team.
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