Thanh Hoa authorities review 20 years implementing the movement on Buddhist places


Thanh Hoa provincial authorities held on October 9 an online conference to review 20 years implementing the movement “progressive, exemplary pagodas” in the Buddhist community launched in the 2001-2021 period in the province.  

Attending the event included Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Trịnh Tuấn Sinh, Chairwoman of the provincial Party Committee Commission for Mass Mobilization cum Head of the provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee (VFF) Phạm Thị Thanh Thủy, Senior Venerable Member of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS)’s Executive Council cum Chairman of the provincial VBS’s Executive Committee Thích Tâm Đức, representatives from local authorities,  and large numbers of Buddhist monks, nuns and outstanding followers in the locality.

As reported at the event, over the past 20 years, local Buddhists have proactively participated in patriotic movements including the campaign “progressive, exemplarily pagodas”, contributing to national unity, socio-economic development and environment protection.

Since 2008, the VBS Chapter in Thanh Hoa has spent over 158 billion VND on social charitable programs and projects. Responding a call of the provincial VFF for supporting the pandemic prevention work, the provincial VBS Chapter has donated 2.4 billion VND and over 200 tons of essential supplies.

Up to now, the provincial VFF has presented certificates of commendation to 73 out of 153 outstanding pagodas in the province.

Presenting certificates of recommendation to Buddhist groups from Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee for their outstanding contributions in the movement

On this occasion, 19 Buddhist groups and 21 individuals have received certificates of commendation from the provincial People’s Committee; 18 groups and 21 individuals have been awarded certificates of commendation from the VFF for their outstanding contributions in the campaign.