Dak Nong is home to over 24,000 followers of Catholism, Protestant and Buddhism with 143 worshiping places, and a small number of followers of Caodai, Hoa Hao Buddhism and Islam.
Over the past years, the province has focused on disseminating policies and laws on belief and religion to religious followers and local officials tasked with the state administration on religious affairs, as well as timely solving religious issues and organizing dissemination meetings of state policies and laws in the locality.
In the year 2017, Dak Nong provincial government has coordinated with other concerning state bodies in the organization of 28 dissemination meetings on religious laws for 2,290 officials and 1,133 followers of religions in the province.
For recent years, the provincial authorities have also approved for the establishment of 17 grassroots religious organizations and the construction of 20 worshipping facilities as well as granted certificates of land use right for 37 grassroots religious organizations.
In addition, the local authorities of Dak Nong province have created favorable conditions for social, charity activities of religious organizations. As reported, from 2014 to 2016, local religions have raised and donated over VND 15 billion for charity and social activities in the localities.